We played Pinta twice during our stay. The Monday and the Saturday. Unfortunately on our first round the European Disabled Golf Association (EDGA) had a major competition in play and had the course booked out from 08:30 through to 10:30, our tee time. There were the inevitable delays and they were running 30 to 40 mins behind time so the starter sent our 3 x 4-Balls off the 10th tee first at 10:30, which meant we had an excellent 9 holes but a total nightmare on our last 9 holes (the course front nine) with us being squeezed in to the scheduled booked tees at the time we returned to the 1st tee. We literally waited several minutes before being able to play each shot on every hole, and longer when the players in front had trouble finding their golf balls, due to the difficulty of the course, it happened a lot! This really made the round very frustrating and less enjoyable than it would have otherwise been!
Everything else about the course itself, the facilities and the staff was absolutely excellent.
Learning is don’t play a course on the same day as a major competition is in full swing! Avoid, which is very easy to do due to the many other excellent courses available, if you’re forewarned.
One for your golf travel to take on board at the time of scheduling bookings!
We were actually due to play our final round on Gramacho the following Saturday but the staff at Pinta highly recommended we changed to a different course because the EDGA were again playing their final on that day at Gramacho. Luckily we were able to switch to Pinta, albeit at a later start time of 12:00 noon. Suspect that wouldn’t have been possible had we been playing later in the golfing season.